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Top Player Report

Updated nightly by midnight PST. Only wins in paid games count
Report:   Monthly Weekly


Rank User Wins
1 michaelwatkins 30
2 tucker1943 29
3 kingsdunes 26
4 mgraham 20
5 colodreamer 17
6 exactaron 16
7 bugsbunny1 16
8 mgbart02 13
9 jambroni 12
10 tellyspop73 12
11 pijo 8
12 russfalter 8
13 johnnyswirl 8
14 salesguru 8
15 marvinosos 7
16 shocker1 7
17 chindi 6
18 trick54 6
19 manoluck 6
20 postturtle 6
21 kanudou 6
22 gadgetgirl 6
23 sempa tenta 5
24 hilow 5
25 tolatefate 5
26 markboag 5
27 catfishstu 4
28 bill mckinney 4
29 ricorico 4
30 undividedattention 4
31 bigmoney99 4
32 brokemofo1 3
33 tstrm 3
34 captpuck 3
35 linyatta 3
36 cyko22 3
37 ohiolarry 3
38 the sound of music 3
39 thomasdemarco 3
40 magnum979 3
41 pirate 66 3
42 cakeman101 3
43 fx45 3
44 show man 3
45 stvn 2
46 dummyjones 2
47 kwogoman 2
48 mpgortz 2
49 theflash 2
50 togamike 2


Rank User Winnings
1 marvinosos $1,759
2 bkr90215 $1,200
3 1390OVER $1,100
4 colodreamer $1,066
5 mgbart02 $1,030
6 mgraham $875
7 fx45 $800
8 thomasdemarco $769
9 kingsdunes $557
10 gadgetgirl $513
11 pijo $480
12 mpgortz $401
13 360eyosemiteavenue $400
14 cyko22 $400
15 magnum979 $370
16 exactaron $353
17 salesguru $334
18 trick54 $329
19 juchs15 $284
20 westpalmbombers $278
21 markboag $262
22 handicapperkid $253
23 bill mckinney $242
24 brokemofo1 $235
25 tellyspop73 $227
26 tolatefate $218
27 captpuck $203
28 the sound of music $190
29 ricorico $189
30 chindi $180
31 linyatta $171
32 undividedattention $164
33 bugsbunny1 $157
34 turfman!! $153
35 tstrm $139
36 tucker1943 $134
37 joek $130
38 kanudou $124
39 shocker1 $114
40 Krazy99 $100
41 michaelwatkins $91
42 tonyw $91
43 meanmistermustard $85
44 mark9492$ $84
45 johnnyswirl $80
46 nickydeuce $72
47 russfalter $70
48 togamike $66
49 manoluck $65
50 cakeman101 $63